Stanford University, 2015     6 Months      Co-founders: Danny Jacker, Thieny Nguyen

How might we leverage the wisdom of the crowd to help singles find love in a humane way?

What is Chemist?

'Chemist' was born out of the year long masters thesis mentored by David Kelly, founder of IDEO and Bill Brunett, director of the Design Program. This humanized algorithm free approach to help singles find meaningful matches was the result of our 6 months of work. It's currently in it's development stage. Get in touch if you would like to know more about what's happening next.


The Team

After a month of user and market research I was able to pitch the project idea and recruit students all over the university to work with me. Our stellar team with students from the business and education school consisted of business, psychology and project management expertise.

Insights From User Research

After extensive user research and interviews with singles, industry experts, matchmakers, online and mobile dating companies we were able to distill the problem into design direction for us to move ahead with. 

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Initial Prototypes

Based on our design directions we began prototyping low resolution solutions to help us understand the potential of different solution spaces with out investing much time and energy into each of them. After a lot of failed prototypes we finally stumbbled upon our disruptive idea - 'Chemist'!

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We were able to reduce our solutions to practice within the 6 months and present Chemist to a jury of affiliates, venture capitalists, educators and industry professionals.

Beta Users Testimonials

What Next?

Get in touch to find out what we are up to next!